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Learn MoreMental Health at Work
You might not think it – but mental health problems at work are common. Right now 1 in 6 of us is dealing with a mental health problem like anxiety, depression or stress.We all have mental health, like we all have physical health. And, like our bodies, our minds can become unwell too. The effects are as real as a broken leg, but there’s no plaster cast to show for it. So it can be really difficult to spot the signs, and even harder to talk about, especially at work where many people still feel scared and confused about the issue. This course is here to help. You’ll learn all about mental health problems and discover simple ways you can look after yourself.With mental health – it’s not easy to know where to start, so navigate the different sections at your own pace, selecting the topics that sound interesting to you. By the end of this course you’ll have all the information you need to make you and your workplace mentally healthier.Key InsightsWhat is mental health? – busting mythsTalk about it – conversations about mental health at workLegal position – understand your rightsReasonable adjustments – get the support you needStay well at work – in 10 simple stepsFive ways to wellbeing – from the New Economics FoundationFurther information – discover the charity Mind’s fantastic support services