We've Got You Covered

Whatever the training is that you are after, we are here to help. Offering everything from apprenticeships to face-to-face CPD, as well as online training and compliance management, we are here to cater to your every training need. Just ask! 
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Create your own content

Want to create customised courses for you and your team? Using Azilo Training Hub, we have a built-in Course Builder that allows you build your own training material and quizzes tailored to your workplace.
To watch a quick, exploratory video on this feature and the different types of content you can create, click below. 

Easily develop personal training plans

Assign, manage and monitor your team's training using our My Teams and CPD calendar features to make it easy to keep on top of everyone's personal training plans. 
Watch the video to see how simple it is to track your team's learning.

Track your training

Displaying your status, the amount of CPD training you have completed and certification all on the one page, it is easy to keep track of your Continuing Professional Development journey.
See how to navigate the My Learning feature by watching the video below.